Equity or Equality?

There are clear examples of inequality in our midst. This morning I was reading some articles about poverty levels, lack of access to clean water, millions of Americans and others pushed in recent years from the middle to the poor class (2008 meltdown), and the 10’s of thousands of Japanese impacted by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. I wrote about greed and the economy a few months ago and the news and the blogosphere are rife with articles about unequal distribution of wealth, food, property, education, disasters, and opportunities. History is replete with stories of people living with inequality. In my assessment I would say the gaps are increasing not getting smaller. Public education has definitely been a reasonably successful equity builder over the years. But I would not call education an equalizer. Nothing in our world is that. I was having a tweet-convo yesterday with a colleague about the inequity that schools and communities ...