Learning Designed for Students
Thinking back to when I was a student I’m not so sure the learning was designed for me or for students in general. From what I remember, we were all moved through content and skills in lock-step. The teachers were on a mission to get us to the next grade by covering what was on their list. Now this was back in the day when content didn’t change much and the skills that we needed were tried and true. That model isn’t really fit for today or the future. An elementary school in our District has adopted an educational model called Universal Design for Learning or UDL. Although UDL is not about technology, implementers have found that technology makes it possible to use the approach efficiently. Our elementary school has embraced the use of special software, laptops, and SMART Boards to support this approach to teaching and learning. I share some quotes with you that the principal shared with me for how the UDL approach makes a difference in the l...