Is Technology Revolutionizing Education Yet?
Last Saturday my clock rang at about 2:45 in the morning. I got up, got ready, and headed off to pick up a colleague for our trip to ISTE 2012 held in San Diego California. What a blessing to be able to enjoy real sunshine and warm weather. The Vancouver area in British Columbia has experienced consistently cool and wet weather unfortunately. We went to a Padre's game that evening and then crashed reasonably early so that our brains were ready for the ISTE experience. Approximately 15,000 educators attend this premiere educational technology event each year. On Sunday I attended a workshop in the morning where we learned to program in Scratch and Alice . Scratch, a fabulous visual object oriented programming environment is used by many middle school students in our schools, was created by MIT and gifted to the world. We created a simple program with several sprites that interacted with the user on simple math problems. Alice is a 3D programming language. Things got more compli...