Life Balance with Technology
I was asked to speak to a group of managers and supervisors recently about how technology can help them manage their seemingly ever increasing work load. That’s an interesting question really given how technology seems to often be the catalyst for increased work load. I shared some thoughts about how technological advancement is accelerating and creating whole new ways to manage our work and lives and then some tips on how the tools they use at work can help them (Outlook e-mail, calendaring, and OneNote). As professionals who use technology every day in our jobs, we need to own the responsibility for learning about our technology and helping each other (and our staffs) use it effectively to manage our work. It is remarkable what we can now do with our phones… e-mail, text, tweet, Facebook, calendar,task reminders, search (for anything), maps / directions, record / share audio – photos – videos, read blogs – wikis – books, listen to music – books, watch movies - TV - videos - cou